The Department of Lotteries has a wide distribution network consisting of more than 55,414 agents and above 1.5 lakhs retailers. The guidelines for starting an agency or becoming an agent are very simple and that too without any substantial investment. This has helped many an unskilled personnel find daily income for their family. Any Keralaite who is above the age of 18 can become an agent of Kerala State Lotteries . A person who applies in the prescribed form along with the necessary fees of Rs 335/- (Three Hundred and Thirty Five only) and two passport size photos at the District Lottery Offices can become an agent. This initial registration is valid for a calender year. Afterwards the agent can renew his/her agency, just for a fee of Rs. 85/-(Eighty Five only) per year. Casual agency is issued from District Lottery Offices on remitting a fee of Rs.50/-for a particular lottery. At present, agencies are issued only from District Lottery Offices.
Agencies are allotted from District Offices. It is easy to identify the office to which an agent
or an agency belongs as the agent code is being issued to every agent afer prefixing a district
code as shown below.
As Lotteries are considered as res extra commercium , the agents and sellers are instructed to
sell lottery tickets as per terms and conditions as stipulated by the Department from time to
No. | Office | Code |
1 | Thiruvananthapuram | T |
2 | Kollam | Q |
3 | Pathanamthitta | H |
4 | Allapuzha | A |
5 | Idukki | Y |
6 | Kottayam | K |
7 | Ernakulam | E |
8 | Thrissur | R |
9 | Palakkad | P |
10 | Malappuram | M |
11 | Kozhikode | D |
12 | Wyanad | W |
13 | Kannur | C |
14 | Kasargode | S |
As Lotteries are considered as res extra commercium , the agents and sellers are instructed to sell lottery tickets as per terms and conditions as stipulated by the Department from time to time.